Ryan 2 - Tech 1
Recorded "Rabbit Byrd" today. It was a fight. Tried a new vocal style, which I am somewhat pleased with. Sort of nasally, Devendra-ish. Furthermore, I dealt blow after blow to the dumbassery that is my computer recording program. I chastised it by deleting its built-in compressor, and installed a newer, better, easier-to-use compression plug-in. The outcome was much more satisfying. In the end, the track sounds a little quiet still, but getting better. Also, I'm not sure if myspace is going to get off its ass and accept the upload. I tried it twice. Anyway, check frequently for it shall be up any moment if it isn't already:
Ryan's Songs"When your arms learn to breathe, they stick to your sleeve
When your sleeves learn to walk, your legs learn to leave
When your leaves learn to stay, your legs run away"
- Devendra Banhart "Onward The Indian"