I am all that is man
It was an epic struggle. Ryan's incompetence vs. Ryan's balls. Final: Balls 3 - Incompetence - 2.
I needed a guitar - Matt gave me this shitty, Allen Korean strat knockoff, and I went to work. I replaced the tuning pegs (put some Grovers on) and pickguard (switched white to black). I ripped out the bridge singlecoil pickup and soldered in a Seymour Duncan Hotrails (allegedly the highest output pickup on the market) in its stead. I tightened the bridge coils in the back, and put a sweet owl sticker on the back plate. Furthermore, I retained Matt's transcription of the Battle of Maldon in Old English on the back plate, a picture of Matt and his cousin James on the heel and two dice knob controllers. I set the action as low as it'll go without buzzing too much, I got the intonation pretty close to right on, and I strung her up.
Now I give unto the world my first custom guitar:
Let's see that again...

I think the "A" on the headstock will work well when I paint on Asmodeus the Axcalibur.

Notice the two prepubescent faces of Matt McConnell and his cousin James.
The Old English scrawled on the back plate reads as follows:
heorte be cenre be ure moegen lytlað -The Battle of Maldon
(Resolution must be the tougher, hearts the keener... [courage must be more as our strength gives out])
Byrhtnoth (pronounced "Brickth-noth") defends his city against the overpowering Danes, who come offering peace for gold. Byrhtnoth offers them cold steel instead. By and by, he dies in the battle. After his death, his thane and companion Byrhtwold speaks the above exhortation to the remaining men, who all die valiantly.
Asmodeus Asmodeus is a rather large, sinister adder from Brian Jacques' first Redwall book. Matthias beheads him, I think. Anyway, I found out that Asmodeus is a demon, also known as Ashmadia, according to
Deliriums Realm.Apparently, this demon originates with the Persian Aeshma-deva (Demon of Wrath). Milton writes in Paradise Lost:
Better pleased
Than Asmodeus with the fishy fume
That drove him, though enamored, from the spouse
Of Tobit's son, and with a vengeance sent
From Media post to Egypt, there fast bound.
- Paradise Lost , iv. 167--71.
Anyway, John Dunn and I are thinking of starting a soul, motown and rhythm and blues band--NOT a medieval knights norwegian black metal band, because I KNOW that was what you were thinking.
Signing off...