Bad wood underneath the veneer
From the desk of the arbiter of all things kickass

Start Wearing Purple (the hell?!)
Just thought I'd let you know that Google video is sweet and I will no longer have a school and/or social life as I rehash 1996 with
Bone Thugs N Harmony and Tupac videos.
And MF Doom is the greatest American poet since T. S. Elliot. There. I said it.
Smoothing out the wrinkles of our brains
A little teaser for my essay on 4th purpose schooling. I have a painting that portrays this more accurately.
Yesterday's Boondocks was good. So is
Dumbustachery, my weekend, and Nina Simone
I shaved my beard off last night but in my laziness failed to shave my mustache. So I look sort of like my dad now, only with a shadow of my former beard. When people ask you if there is anything different about you, you ought to always respond by saying, "well, I finally talked to my doctor about Viagra."
In other news, Melanie was an excellent host, and I tried to keep up with her as much as possible. She's also the best waitress I have ever had and more strong and fearless than I ever imagined.
Gatto was brilliant and it was a great experience on the whole.
Currently listening to Nina Simone (or should I say, Dr. Nina Simone). Does anybody have any of her stuff? because I can't find that much on soulseek.
Preposterous? Probably
To express my joy at having a working car, I present to you...videos!!!
Lightsabers vs. Blasters? I think we all know who's boss. But what's with the kid draggin the saber at the end? He set the lawn on fire.
French indie-rock. Everything looks cooler when you speed it up.
Subterranean Homesick Blues. Finally found it. One of my favorite songs. Note the break where old Dylan pontificates on
words. Ooooh, aaaahhh.Robot Soccer nuff said.
come back to me
Matt on the vox, me on the banjo.
So I went out of my mind...and...?
"Feed My Lambs" is up. I went pretty crazy with the vocals. Had a little fun anyway. Took me five hours or so, when I probably should have been scanning some dactylic hexameter.
The song is about my grandmother's experience growing up near Edmonton, Alberta. She grew up on an Indian reservation there, and she went to this Catholic school at a mission or something on the reservation. Anyway, the story is there in the song, but I guess I'll explain it clearly. It takes place during the great depression. They got this much-needed shipment of meat in on a Thursday night which was for the poor on the reservation (which was everybody, really). But it was Lent, and they couldn't eat it the next day. Since they didn't, it went bad by Saturday. The between-the-lines part is that was a major turning point for my grandmother, and she fell away from the faith.
To avoid confusion, I guess I'd like to point out that I believe Lent is a very important practice in the church. I support it wholeheartedly, and I don't want the high-church folk who read this to think otherwise. The song seems a bit scathing, so that's why I'm sort of fleshing this out a bit. My song sort of deals with the same issue as Matthew 12:1-8.
In other news, my car is getting repaired starting tomorrow. Damage costs: $1600
Damage report
The house looms over us all. I came home and the piles of shit everywhere are insurmountable. The house is a wreck, and Silliman had it clean before winter gathering. Anyway, I moved into Lee's old room, cleaned it, and put my stuff away. I stole the loveseat from the living room and made it my own. There is a cable hookup in the room. Bonus. There is a funk in the room. Not a bonus. There is tons of room in the room. Bonus.
New broom (whoever broke it, this is your conscience speaking: Pay the goddamn money!): $6.12
Light bulbs, 32 of: $6.92
Toilet bowl brushes, 2 of: $4.56
Assorted cleaners: $5.78
The kitchen is for the floor, which is
horrible. And somebody peed on the barroom floor (and by somebody, I mean Will).
Registration completed. Books bought ($290? w. t. fuck?). Jobs sought (might get the mailroom).
Books I'll be reading for Lit. of the American West (I know some were speculating about this Steinbeck?):
Shane by Jack Schaefer
A River Runs Through It (and other stories) by Norman MacLean
Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey
Tracks by Louise Erdrich
Angel of Repose by Wallace Stegner
The Professor's House by Willa Cather
The Land of Little Rain by Mary Austin
Riprap and Cold Mountain Poems by Gary Snyder
The Literary West anthology
My other lit class is pretty standard fare. There's the update.
Currently listening to:
Kid Rock scores big with the 'rents
So I was watching this hockey game the other day - Red Wings vs. Nashville - and during the intermission, Kid Rock shows up. Of all people. And my parents are in there watching, and I guess I thought maybe it'd be a little awkward. True to form, Kid Rock is
wasted when they interview him
. He was pretty hilarious though...
"Did you ever play hockey when you were a kid? I mean, you're from Detroit."
"Yeah man, we kids would get together and put on our hats and mitts and figure skates and shoot pucks at each other. It was lots of fun."
"Is that right?"
"Yeah man, we were poor, though. We couldn't afford
haaawwkeee skates."
"So are you enjoying the game, Mr. Rock?"
"Oh yeah, definitely, man! But you know what? They need to bring Stroh's back! Remember Stroh's?" (Gulps the rest of what was a giant glass of beer). parents couldn't stop laughing. And I kept wondering, didn't he grab his crotch at the Superbowl know, Janet Jackson did her thing? Or am I thinking about Michael Jackson grabbing his crotch several superbowls ago when he was slightly less weird?
Anyway, speaking of dirty old men, I was thinking of covering that Kennedy know,
nobody loves you, like your momma loves you, but who's lovin your momma? I am, I am! Maybe at parties...I don't want to wreck my bleary-eyed, downer, take-yourself-too-seriously stage persona that has
done so well for me.
Currently listening to:
Lunita is done.
Album titles. Tell me what you think.
The Stories Mustn't Be Told (pathetic attempt at irony)
Did You See The Light Through The Smoke? (ehn...)
Songs from the Beat, or, Songs to Smoke to
Other ideas are more than welcome...I'm at a loss really.
Wild Hoses
Currently listening to:
Band of Horses
Everything All The Time

This album is unreleased (I guess it comes out in March), but if any of you want to listen to it, I have it. It's sort of a mix of My Morning Jacket ... and...I don't know what else. They have a unique style.
In other events, I updated "Life After..." with some compression and a new vocal track. Not sure about the vocals,
but see what you think...
phase out
I'm gradually fading out the name Grey Byrd and replacing it with my own name. I found a nice site to host my songs. Go
here.Currently listening to
Ryan 2 - Tech 1
Recorded "Rabbit Byrd" today. It was a fight. Tried a new vocal style, which I am somewhat pleased with. Sort of nasally, Devendra-ish. Furthermore, I dealt blow after blow to the dumbassery that is my computer recording program. I chastised it by deleting its built-in compressor, and installed a newer, better, easier-to-use compression plug-in. The outcome was much more satisfying. In the end, the track sounds a little quiet still, but getting better. Also, I'm not sure if myspace is going to get off its ass and accept the upload. I tried it twice. Anyway, check frequently for it shall be up any moment if it isn't already:
Ryan's Songs"When your arms learn to breathe, they stick to your sleeve
When your sleeves learn to walk, your legs learn to leave
When your leaves learn to stay, your legs run away"
- Devendra Banhart "Onward The Indian"
The sweetness factor
It was good to hear that Silliman has both found a job and gotten a loan from his grandmother. Maybe he's found his drivers license too. Just wanted to announce that sweet things do happen in this world. Sometimes. But mostly things are just meaningless and case you forgot.
For the remainder of the break:
1. Wake up before 2 pm.
2. Finish two songs
3. Record them
4. Record everything else that cuts the mustard
5. Eat less salt
For the remainder of the year:
1. Not suck in school
2. Make $
3. Save $
4. Write more songs
5. Record more songs
For the remainder of my life:
1. Make an album with my lover (whomever that may be) of songs that are little love letters to each other. They'll all be short and gooey and would fit on a post-it note even with moderately-sized hand-writing. Doesn't that sound nice?
2. Learn to play piano
3. Learn to write well
4. Go on tour across the US to support an album. Perhaps while being a truck driver, I could arrange and stop and play shows here and there. I'd have to tear ass all over to get my shipments on time, but it could work. Or I could RV it up with future lover and a couple close friends, and do the tour that way. Either way, I want to do it. I hope I can do it. I want to see all those towns - Tupelo, Boise, Butte, Cheyenne - and see all the country in between them.
5. I suppose ambitions 1 and 4 here require a record I'll put that at five. Five is a good place. Shows that I'm not too urgent to sell out to The Man, but that I consider it necessary to feed my family.
Currently listening to:
Caught up in the sticky juices of amore
Jerry: So I dunno, she's like, "Move your skulls to the basement 'cause I got these drapes." I don't even get that. I'm like "Honey, this is work." I can't...
Mr. Sticks: Are you serious?
Jerry: Yeah, I can't put 'em in the f"%*ing basement. I mean...
Mr. Sticks: No...
Jerry: And she's like, "Y'know, could you put a tarp over 'em also?"
Mr. Sticks: Oh,
no way...
Jerry: And I just felt like, "No... I'm not...
shit, damn it!"
Mr. Sticks: I got one at home just like it, man. Yeah, and I got a kid now and so...
Jerry: Oh, that's a whole other set of bullshit, I'm sure.
Mr. Sticks: Right, so Cathy puts the coats up right next to my preserved brain collection, and she wants me to move 'em because she thinks it's not hygenic.
Jerry: I don't understand how there's such a lack of appreciation for that backlight coming through the glass of the jars that the brains are in, just looks cool.
Mr. Sticks: You've seen that?
Jerry: Why move it? That's the point of putting it next to the window! I'm sure you've explained that to Cathy, but she honestly doesn't get it.
Mr. Sticks: Right, because it's... Yeah... But there's no, y'know... I can't even argue with it.
Jerry: Ugh, f$%*ing ridiculous.
Mr. Sticks: So that's why I move to it...
(sees Shake)
Mr. Sticks: Hey isn't that that guy?
Shake: So what's with the
toilet seat, right?
Jerry: OHH WHAT THE F@&%!!!
(picks up his axe)

So...yeah, in other news...
new pictures up
Currently listening to:
Day to day songwriting vomit
You know that song Amanda wrote the lyrics to, and I arranged into some music? Well, she asked me to not record it a couple months ago. But I think I'm going to use some of the tune for whatever this turns out to be. Lord, give me a chorus for these verses, which are nearing rigamarole status.
George spent his life like
he was being chased by a bull
They say the Lord saw to it
his mistakes were paid in full
He kept his hand on a bottle
His shotgun on the shelf
Half of what a man should be
And always faithful to himself
In a bar outside of town
On a rainy April night
He beat up another man
Within an inch of his life
And he fell into the custody
Of ol’ deputy McClain
And he fell to chippin’ rocks
For the county's chain gang
After three years or so
They had to cut him loose
He left with his things
on his back like a papoose
By and by the next day
He wandered into town
Saw a few people he knew
But they all seemed to frown
A man called him over
Asked to shine his shoes
“You gotta polish the backs of em
‘less you wanna look uncouth.”
New Years Show
I played a show last night. It went pretty well, and I felt pretty good about it for the most part. It was at our church coffee house. That was fine by me, except there were some pretty different expectations. I guess the organizer of the event thought that I was "background music." Well, you know me...
Anyway, a bunch of people were there at first. But they scheduled a dance-dance revolution tournament during my show in the other room. Half the people left, but that still left a good audience of 35 or so. I was continually asked to keep turning the volume down. So that messed up the good sound levels we had going on. Ultimately, the show went fine. Definitely felt like one of our best shows.
1. Reconcilliation (maiden voyage)
2. Falling (after face-lift from hell)
3. Rabbit Byrd (maiden voyage)
4. Dear Sister
5. Moon River (took a cue from Dan Miloch on this one)
6. Life After...
Matt's set
7. Come Back To Me (Me on banjo)
8. Burn These Hills
9. Bleeding Red, White and Blue
10. Lunita (me on banjo/voice, Matt on guitar/bgvs)