I guess people are getting offended at me because of my blog. I think I might try wordpress. I'll try to remain more anonymous there.
There is a certain kind of person here. I don't want to think that there are people like this everywhere. I want a "firm rampart" between this place and the real world (or my perception of it). But there is a certain kind of person who corrects my English grammar while I'm speaking (and making, what I hope to be, a
fascinating and
detailed point of fact) and you know, when I'm saying "And so the
clientela system is where the modern patron-client relationship comes from." and he or she says, "Oh don't you
mean, 'is
from where the modern patron-client relationship comes'?" (Because, obviously, what you said is totally unintelligble.) Nevermind that the only reason we don't allow dangling prepositions is because, fuck you, it comes from Latin which never had punctuation to clarify them.
You know, I actually got into an argument with somebody yesterday that "
intra" and "
inter" mean about the same thing, to which he responded that, no, language has
subtlety to it that a
mah-toor individual could discern if he'd only respect the language. I suppose those distinctions should be left for the linguistic grundle-spelunkers of the world, but let's get down to brass tacks...
Why do we try to sound smart? Usually, I just sound retarded when I try to be smart. "I guess we really cannibalized that chair, eh man?" "No actually, we'd only be cannibalizing that chair if we were chairs ourselves and eating those chairs..." fuck! Fine. I get it. I'm not that smart. It's not even things like that that bother me. It's getting interupted not in mid-sentence, but more like, mid-word, "Well, he's the guy I've been referenc..." "don't you mean,
referring? There's no such word as
referencing. I don't even know what that means." (Which, by the way, I just looked it up and "
referencing" is a
transitive verb.) The point is, if the
fucking toolshed president of the united states can say
nuclearizing (And let's be clear here: Nu
clear is hard to say, so people often say Nu
cular. It's okay. We know what they mean. Just like when people say "Super-fullous." It's actually easier than saying "super-fluous."), then I ought to be able to say
Beat Cuisine, Installment 1
Ryan's Late-Nite Steak and Eggs:
(aka, "all caught up in the sticky juices of amore")

You will need:
- one GFS pre-made frozen hamburger patty
- eggs, 2
- A-1, 1 tbsp of
- Lawry's seasoning salt
- water, 1 tbsp of
- vegatable oil, 1 tbsp of
- skillet with lid
- any other ludicrous shit you normally like on your eggs/burgers
Steps to perfection:
- Thaw frozen patty
- Season it and add oil and A-1
- Crack open the eggs
- Cook till the meat is rare and the egg whites have started to solidify
- Add water and cover for a minute or so
- Serves ONE hungry dude
mmmm...that's G-E-W-D, gewd!
note: I reccommend a good bowl of super-sweet oatmeal to ensure safe passage of this dish.
New Band
I am starting a new band.
If it were up to me, and I'm sure it's not, I'd call us "Beat Eclectic."
Line up:
Jed Becker: Keyboards, programming
Tory Moul: Vocals, keyboards
(tenatively) Evan Moran: Lead Guitar
Me: Guitars, vocals, banjo, lap-steel, harmonica, programming
I'm in the process of writing more stuff. Mainly just progressions, riffs, and lyrical snippets.
The project looks like it's going to move into a Broken Social Scene + Flaming Lips thing...but I dunno...maybe mellower. Of course, Tory's jazz experience will weigh upon the sound. My folk and country sensibilities will invariable pop up. Jed has programmed a lot of stuff before and I'm going to learn the process soon. But all drums and bass and suchlike will be programmed.
First show will be the Battle of the Bands. Then I think we'll play the next Black Sheep Show at Savarinos. From there, who knows. We'll see how it goes.